FAR Creative - WordPress Development and Creative Services studio based in New York

FAR Creative is a New York based WordPress development and creative services studio specializing in pixel-perfect web development.

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    8 Point Studio | August 1, 2019

    FAR Creative was excited to collaborate with 8 Point Studio in building their new WordPress site. Our team focused on making sure studio’s design specs were precisely executed. Additionally, we have used our CSS and Javascript expertise in adding page animations and transitions to further enhance the site’s browsing experience.

    Stella Services | July 29, 2019

    StellaService helps hundreds of the world’s most innovative, service-focused brands in using real-time customer feedback to transform their team and customer engagement. We help StellaService in building and maintaining their websites, using up-to-date HTML/CSS and WordPress CMS standards.

    Hearst Television Inc. | July 26, 2019

    We worked with WDSU TV station in New Orleans on modernizing and adding new features to their Mardi Gras Parade Tracker apps (both iOS and Android). In addition, we manage the parades database and assist the station’s staff with updating schedules and route maps of every parade tracked.

    8 Point Studio | April 30, 2019

    Our first partnership engagement with 8 Points Design studio, building a website for Hoola Hoop, a business consultancy striving to help organizations in growing their business.

    Stella Services | March 20, 2019

    Early in 2019, we were asked to reorganize StellaServices websites into a single domain, StellaConnect.io. Along with the re-org, we have added a new blog platform, as well as built many new site pages and modules.